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Duct Seal

Explore our underground sealing solutions designed to shield against persistent water pressure.

MCT - Landbased | RGB


The standard transit for welding in land-based environments.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Landbased | RGB
RPG multi cable transit

MCT - Round Transit | RGP


The standard round transit used in high-risk maritime, offshore and land-based environments

See specs and variations  for MCT - Round Transit | RGP

MCT - Landbased | RGG

For bolting

Bolted onto a concrete wall or floor or a plasterboard wall.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Landbased | RGG

MCT - Landbased | RGG-O

For when cables are already in place

Bolted onto concrete or plasterboard wall or casted into a concrete wall or floor.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Landbased | RGG-O

MCT - Round Transit | RGP - S

Standard sleeve

With a standard sleeve for welding the transit to the structure.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Round Transit | RGP - S

MCT - Landbased | RGG-OK

For when the penetration vary

Bolted were the penetration vary. Applicable on core-drilled holes.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Landbased | RGG-OK

MCT - Round Transit | RGP - SFR

For holes larger than the frame

With a flange that allows the transit to be welded into a hole which is slightly larger than the frame.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Round Transit | RGP - SFR

MCT - Round Transit | RGP - SFRB

For bolting

The bolted transits can be used in areas where welding is prohibited.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Round Transit | RGP - SFRB

MCT - Round Transit | RGP - SFRBO

For bolting when cables are already in place

For bolting and for installations where cables are already in place.

See specs and variations  for MCT - Round Transit | RGP - SFRBO

Duct Seal Trefoil

Intended to be used underground and in ducts.

DS-150 TF

See specs and variations  for Duct Seal Trefoil