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For great flexibility
At sea On land

The HandiBlock is a new safe, flexible and easy-to install insert block. It is available in four sizes to fit cables/pipes or tubing from 4 to 54 mm. A Handiblock consist of two half MainBlocks and two Insertstrips. Every compression ring in the insertStrip has a clear marking to indicate different cable/pipe diameters for a safe and quick installation.

  • By installing a Handiplug in the HandiBlock, you can quickly and easily create a spareblock. This spare can later be opened and easily adjusted for new cable/pipes.
  • Fully certified way to prepare for future cabling/piping.

Correct and safe installations

To achieve the highest standard of safety, a cable or pipe transit must be installed correctly. As there are many different types of frame – which may be either welded, bolted or glued into position – and insert block, it is essential that installers known when to use the most appropriate installation method.

For more information, please view following instructions, videos or download manuals as PDFs.

HandiBlock Installation

The HandiBlock is available in four sizes to fit cables and pipes or tubing from 4 to 54 mm. A HandiBlock consists of two compact half MainBlocks and two InsertStrips. Every compression ring on the InsertStrip has clear markings to indicate different cable/pipe diameters. This helps the installation technician to quickly and safely identify the correct size of the MainBlock, InsertStrip and compression ring.

InsertStrip and MainBlock

Compression and cable/pipe sealing is not achieved by deforming the HandiBlock parts. This means that all parts of the HandiBlock can be reused for repacking. Those parts of the InsertStrips, not used for the current block, can be retained and used for the cables/pipes where the insert dimensions correspond. This feature provides a cleaner and more efficient workplace, less wastage and assists in the clients’ efforts on environmental responsibility.


The four block sizes can be converted into spare blocks when a plug is firmly anchored in the block. This spare module can later be opened and easily converted into a cable/pipe holding block.

The MainBlock, InsertStrip and HandiPlug can also be purchased separately. This allows for cost savings and reduces wastage.HandiBlock can be combined with MCT Standard Insert Block, AddBlock and U-Block. Compression can be made by STG Packaging, PTG-Presswedges or RGP.

For more information visit Instructions and manuals

The HandiBlock is available in four sizes to fit cables and pipes or tubing from 4 to 54 mm. A HandiBlock consists of two compact half MainBlocks and two InsertStrips. Every compression ring on the InsertStrip has clear markings to indicate different cable/pipe diameters. This helps the installation technician to quickly and safely identify the correct size of the MainBlock, InsertStrip and compression ring.

The four block sizes can be converted into spare blocks when a plug is firmly anchored in the block. This spare module can later be opened and easily converted into a cable/pipe holding block.



Module Size mm HandiBlock complete with Plug  HandiBlock without Plug  Plug  Mainblock Insert strip
HB20 20 mm 37 gram 32 gram 5 gram 22 gram 10 gram 
HB30 30 mm 90 gram 73 gram 17 gram 46 gram 27 gram
HB40 40 mm 150 gram 117 gram 33 gram 72 gram 44 gram
HB60 60 mm 382 gram 300 gram 85 gram 155 gram 144 gram



Module Size Inches HandiBlock complete with Plug HandiBlock without Plug  Plug  Mainblock Insert strip
HB20 0.79 Oz 1.31 Oz 1.13 Oz 0.18 Oz 0.78 Oz 0.35 Oz
HB30 1.18 Oz 3.17 Oz 2.57 Oz 0.60 Oz 1.62 Oz 0.95 Oz
HB40 1.57 Oz 5.29 Oz 4.13 Oz 1.16 Oz 2.54 Oz 1.55 Oz
HB60 2.36 Oz 13.58 Oz 10.58 Oz 3.00 Oz 5.47 Oz 5.08 Oz

Cable/Pipe Ranges

  HandiBlock 60 (HB60) HandiBlock 40 (HB40)
HandiBlock 30 (HB30)
HandiBlock 20 (HB20)
Cable/pipe Ø32-54 Ø21-35 Ø11-24 Ø4-15
InsertStrip Ø32-50 Ø21-32 Ø11-22 Ø4-13
MainBlock Ø50-54  Ø32-35 Ø22-24 Ø13-15
Handiblock variations and parts

MCT Brattberg always puts safety first when developing new products. The HandiBlock is in line with this mission, but now provides the opportunity not only to put safety first, but also to keep safety first in the future. This innovation offers a new safe, flexible and certified method for installing cables and pipes in the future.


Compression and cable/pipe sealing is not achieved by deforming the HandiBlock parts. This means that all parts of the HandiBlock can be reused for repacking. Those parts of the InsertStrips, not used for the current block, can be retained and used for the cables/pipes where the insert dimensions correspond. This feature provides a cleaner and more efficient workplace, less wastage and assists in the clients’ efforts on environmental responsibility.

The MainBlock, InsertStrip and HandiPlug can also be purchased separately. This allows for cost savings and reduces wastage.HandiBlock can be combined with MCT Standard Insert Block, AddBlock and U-Block. Compression can be made by STG Packaging, PTG-Presswedges or RGP.

  • By installing a HandiPlug in the HandiBlock, you can quickly and easily create a spare block. This is a fully certified way to prepare for future cabling/piping.
  • HandiPlugs low weight and smart design, together with HandiBlock, create a secure pressure-tight unit.
  • The plug’s unique design also acts as a circular former for the sealing insert. Rather than being compressed and deformed into an oval shape, the plug enables the InsertStrip to retain its roundness even after an extended period of compression.
  • The extensive testing carried out on the HandiPlug indicates that it can withstand harsh environmental conditions for over a century and can be reused over and over again.
  • Each HandiBlock with a plug that is mounted into transit frames also provides extra fire protection. The part of the InsertStrip that protrudes from the MainBlock, acts as a small but effective heat shield.

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